
BMW R100

We started this project around two years ago. Made the mock-up, shot the “before” picture, sent the engine to a specialist and were waiting one year to actually touch the bike. At that point, the mock-up was already fallen into oblivion. Then we were waiting about half a year again. Worked on other bikes and projects and passed Fifty about 30 times every day in the shop. Used it as a hanger for jackets, or just pushed it to another corner to not be so much in front of our eyes. About 5 months ago the owner and our crew just finalised the details and started to really work on our first “R” BMW build. Things started to shape up pretty quick but changed till the last minute as the text has been scribed into the tank just before the photoshoot. The name Fifty-Fifty not only stands for the boxers 500-500 cc engine but also for the purest cliche on earth as everydays’ duality to go either way to Life or Death. So please welcome our most handmade and longest lasting build, 50-50.